Introduction to Female Considerations in Program Design

The exercise parameters for females do in fact differ to that of their male counterparts.

Traditionally, women have been steered away form resistance exercises or strength training for the fear of gaining significant amounts of bodyweight.

Another reason for this is the fact that in general women have a higher proportion of slow twitch fibers, and lower levels of testosterone than their male counterparts. The assumption would be that they would be more suited to endurance activities. Nothing could be further from the truth – in fact this only shows that woman have a deficit in strength. More far as hormonal levels (as you will see latter) anaerobic training (weight training) has shown to have greater effects on growth hormone levels than seen in men.

There are a number of issues that must be addressed when training the female client.

1. Postural issues
2. Hormonal considerations and issues
3. Training considerations for strength
4. Nutritional Concerns