AC-11 Uncaria Tomentosa

AC-11 is derived from the Amazon vine know as uncaria tomentosa, and is one of the two known species of cat’s claw. Studies have demonstrated that AC-11 may be able to repair damaged DNA which is one of the factors that contribute to the aging process.

This damage can occur by a number of factors including oxidative stress or exposure to UV radiation. These are primary areas of interest that researchers have investigated with AC-11 and the results have been positive and has even been show to inhibit division and proliferation of cancer cells however this requires more research to understand the mechanisms involved.

In addition to its ability to repair DNA, AC-11 may provide additional benefits including being a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory while also improving immune function which all add to its potential use for an anti-aging or longevity program.

The antioxidant properties found in AC-11 have been shown in laboratory analysis to exceed that many medicinal fruit and vegetables. AC-11 has demonstrated its ability to neutralize peroxyl and superoxide radicals that are responsible for some of the DNA damage we experience. So beyond aiding in the repair of DNA it appears AC-11 also protects the DNA from further damage from oxidative stress.

We also understand that chronic inflammation is an underlying factor in many diseases and aging. AC-11 acts as an effective anti-inflammatory inhibiting the production of tumor necrosis factor-alpha, that is responsible for both acute and chronic inflammation. AC-11’s ability to also inhibit the activation of nuclear factor-kappa beta contributes to it’s anti-cancer abilities. Some research has demonstrated AC-11’s ability to decrease the release of prostaglandin E2, another inflammatory mediator.

Improving immune regulation is another area that AC-11 assists in our anti-aging and longevity program. AC-11 has shown to strengthen the bodies defenses against a number of pathogens found in the environment. AC-11 has also been shown in both animal and human studies to improve white blood cell count which is used as a marker of immune function.