Female Hormonal Considerations and Issues

The hormonal influence upon the female client is significant and unappreciated by most trainers and specialists.

Due to hormonal fluctuation, the trainer should be aware that females might often test better on strength test 2-3 days after the onset of menstruation.

Woman need longer development times before exposure to extremely heavy weights due to a lower threshold capacity in their connective and supportive tissues. This may be related to higher levels of certain hormones and fluctuation of hormonal states in a woman’s body.

Because of body weight increases during menstruation, volume and intensity of plyometrics exercises should be monitored carefully during this period.

PMS Sx & Australian Female Olympic Athletes:

1. 64% Abdominal cramps
2. 40% Weight gain and breast tenderness
3. 34% Back pain
4. 40% Irritability
5. 38% Mood Swings
6. 30% Fatigue
7. 28% Depression

Exercise Modification:

1. 66% “struggled on”
2. 26% Cut back on training
3. 8% Stopped training

(Ref: Hormones and Female Athletic Performance by Judy Daly & Wendy Ey)

Daly and Ey noted that many female athletes were injured during the premenstrual cycle.