Neck Passive ROM Assessment

Neck Flexion

Motion occurs primarily at the cervical spine vertebral joints in the sagittal plane around a coronal axis.

Normal Values:

0° to 45° (45°)

Testing Position:

Client is positioned seated with the cervical spine in 0° of extension, rotation, and lateral flexion. The chair will support the thoracic and lumbar spine preventing accessory movement.


Stabilize the shoulder complex and thoracic spine to prevent movement. Also stabilize the anterior head at the chin to prevent anterior protrusion of the head during cervical flexion.

Goniometer Placement:

A: Center the goniometer at the external auditory meatus (ear canal).
SA: Imaginary line perpendicular to the floor.
MA: Align arm to inferior border of nose. Assessment:

Maintain goniometric placement while passively flexing the cervical spine to the first resistance barrier. Record measurement.

Possible Tight Structures:

Upper trapezius, levator scapulae. scalenes, cervical paraspinals.

Recording the assessment:

When recording the results make sure that any necessary notes are added to ensure intratester and intertester reliability.


Neck Extension

Motion occurs primarily at the cervical spine vertebral joints in the sagittal plane around a coronal axis.

Normal Values:

0° to 45° (45°)

Testing Position:

Client is positioned seated with the cervical spine in 0° of extension, rotation, and lateral flexion.


Stabilize the shoulder complex and thoracic spine to prevent movement. Also stabilize the anterior head at the chin to prevent anterior protrusion of the head during cervical extension.

Goniometer Placement:

A: Center the goniometer at the external auditory meatus (ear canal).
SA: Imaginary line perpendicular to the floor.
MA: Align arm to inferior border of nose.


Maintain goniometric placement while passively extending the cervical spine to the first resistance barrier and record measurement.

Possible Tight Structures:

Sternocleidomastoid, deep cervical flexors.

Recording the assessment:

When recording the results make sure that any necessary notes are added to ensure intratester and intertester reliability.


Neck Lateral Flexion

Motion occurs primarily at the cervical spine vertebra joint in the frontal plane around an anterior-posterior axis.

Normal Values:

0° to 45° (45°)

Testing Position:

Client is positioned seated with the cervical spine in 0° of extension, flexion, and rotation.


Stabilize the scapula and thoracic spine to prevent lateral tilting and elevation of shoulder girdle.

Goniometer Placement:

A: Center the goniometer at the posterior aspect of C7.
SA: Free hanging perpendicular to the floor.
MA: Midline through occipital protruberance.


Maintain goniometric placement while passively laterally flexing the cervical spine to the first resistance barrier and record measurement.

Possible Tight Structures:

Medial scalene, sternocleidomastoid, Upper trapezius.

Recording the assessment:

When recording the results make sure that any necessary notes are added to ensure intratester and intertester reliability.


Neck Rotation

Motion occurs primarily at cervical spine vertebral joints in the transverse plane around a vertical axis.

Normal Values:

0° to 60° (60°)

Testing Position:

Client is positioned seated with the cervical spine in 00 of extension, flexion, rotation, and lateral flexion.


Stabilize the scapula and thoracic spine to prevent rotation of the lumbar and thoracic spine.

Goniometer Placement:

A: Center the goniometer at the center of the superior cranial aspect of the head.
SA: Perpendicular to an imaginary line connecting the two acromion processes.
MA: Tip of nose or tongue depressor held between the teeth.


Maintain goniometric placement while passively rotating the cervical spine to the first resistance bather and record measurement.

Possible Tight Structures:


Recording the assessment:

When recording the results make sure that any necessary notes are added to ensure intratester and intertester reliability.