Ideal Sentimental Alignment

Ideal Segmental Alignment: Sagittal Plane Side View

  1. Head: Neutral position not tilted forward or back.
  2. Cervical Spine: Normal curve, slightly convex anteriorly.
  3. Scapulae: Flat against upper back.
  4. Thoracic Spine: Normal curve, slightly convex posteriorly.
  5. Lumber Spine: Normal curve, slightly convex anteriorly.
  6. Pelvis: Neutral position, anterior superior spines in same vertical plane as symphysis pubis.
  7. Hip Joints: Neutral position neither flexed nor extended.
  8. Knee joints: Neutral position, neither flexed nor hyperextended.
  9. Ankle Joints: Neutral position, leg vertical and at right angle to sole of foot.

Ideal Segmental Alignment: Posterior View

  1. Head: Neutral position neither tilted nor rotated.
  2. Cervical Spine: Straight alignment.
  3. Shoulders: Level, not elevated or depressed.
  4. Scapulae: Neutral position, medial boarders essentially parallel and about 3-4 inches apart.
  5. Thoracic & Lumber Spines: Straight alignment.
  6. Pelvis: Level, both posterior superior iliac spines in same transverse plane.
  7. Hip Joints: Neutral position neither adducted nor abducted.
  8. Lower Extremities: Straight, neither bowed nor knock-kneed
  9. Feet: Parallel or toeing out slightly. Outer malleolus and outer margin of sole of foot in same vertical plane so that foot is not pronated or supinated. Tendo calcaneus should be vertical when seen in posterior view.