Advanced Transverse View Assessment

Advanced Transverse View Assessment

Temporal Bones

  1. With fingers parallel to the floor place fingers into the external auditory meatus on either side to the rear upmost position along the bony surface.
  2. Keeping your eyes above the client (you may need to stand on stall or bench).

Obliquity (Head)

  1. Ensure head is not tilted.
  2. Place pen along the lateral surface of the temporal bones, pointing anteriorly
  3. The side the points more medially is the inflated side.

Humeral Heads

  1. Place thumbs on the anterior surface of the humeral heads.
  2. Keeping eyes about the client (you may need to stand on stall or bench), determine if one shoulder is more anterior than the other.


  1. Place thumbs on anterior surface of the third ribs.
  2. Keeping eyes above client (you may need to stand on stall or bench), determine if one side is anterior to the other.

Anterior Superior Iliac Spine

  1. Place thumbs on the anterior aspect of the ASIS.
  2. Keeping eyes above the client determine if one is more anterior to the other.