Movement Patterns in Strength Training

The body works as an integrated kinetic chain during everyday movements and tasks. This philosophy often contributes to the development of dominance in certain muscles leading to inefficient and potentially compromising recruitment patterns, and joint imbalances. When a greater demand is placed on the body, such as in sporting actions and exercise related conditions, the integration of movement patterns becomes increasingly essential for optimal function.

Primary Movement Patterens

  1. Hip Loaded Quad Dominant
  2. Knee Loaded Quad Dominant
  3. Hip Loaded Hamstring Dominant
  4. Knee Loaded Hamstring Dominant
  5. Horizontal Push
  6. Horizontal Pull
  7. Vertical Push
  8. Vertical Pull

Secondary Movement Patterns

  1. Elbow Extension
  2. Elbow Flexion
  3. Ankle Dorsi flexion
  4. Ankle Plantar flexion

Planes of Movement

The second thing to consider when looking at movement patterns is the planes of movement.

Sagittal Plane movements should be first mastered before moving onto Coronal Plane (Frontal Plane) movements then further progressing to Transverse Plane movements.

Bodyweight vs Loaded Exercises

There are some schools of thought that believes that bodyweight exercises such as pushups and squats should be performed prior to starting a novice trainee on loaded exercises such as bench press and weighted squats, however this is only half true.

Movement Pattern Analysis

Analyzing movement patterns in strength training is essential when looking at injury prevention and structural balance.

There are a number of factors to take into consideration when analyzing movement matters.

  1. Daily Activity
  2. Work/Job Influences
  3. Sports Activity

Strength Training Exercises Associated with Movement Patterns

  1. Hip Loaded Quad Dominant
    1. Front Squat
    2. Back Squat
    3. Hip Belt Squat
    4. Static Lunge
    5. Alternating Lunge
    6. Walking Lunge
    7. Bulgarian Squat
    8. Step Up
  2. Knee Loaded Quad Dominant
    1. Reverse Step Up
    2. Knee Loaded Static Lunge
    3. Slant Board Squats
  3. Hip Loaded Hamstring Dominant
    1. Barbell Deadlift
    2. Trap Bar Deadlift
    3. Romanian Deadlift
    4. Good Morning
    5. Rope Pull-Through
    6. Back Extension
    7. Hip Lift
  4. Knee Loaded Hamstring Dominant
    1. Lying Leg Curl
    2. Standing Leg Curl
    3. Glute Ham Raise
    4. Nordic Curl
  5. Horizontal Push
    1. Bench Press
    2. Incline Dumbbell Press
    3. Cable Crossover
  6. Horizontal Pull
    1. Bent Over Barbell Row
    2. Bench Supported Bent Over Dumbbell Row
    3. Seated Cable Row
  7. Vertical Push
    1. Shoulder Press
    2. Seated Arnold Press
    3. Dumbbell Lat Raises
  8. Vertical Pull
    1. Chin Ups
    2. Lat Pulldown
    3. Dumbbell Pullover