Cluster Sets

Cluster Sets, sometimes referred to as rest-pause training that allows the individual to perform a set with a greater load than used for a set repetition bracket. The primary difference between cluster sets and rest pause training is the number of repetitions performed per micro-set and the number of micro-sets (rest-pauses) performed.

*A cluster is an ensemble of several single reps with short-to-moderate rest intervals. For example, a cluster set could be a series of 5-7 heavy singles.

*Recruitment is maximized when the load on the bar is at least 80-82 percent of your max strength. In a cluster set, all of your reps fall into that zone.

Key points used in cluster sets:

  1. Intra-set pauses of 5-60 seconds
  2. Training loads above the optimal tension threshold (85%-100%*)
  3. Perform more reps than you normally could with a certain weight

Cluster Set Varients



