Jogging & Running

Fartlek Training

Fartlek, a Swedish term that means “speed play,” is a form of interval or speed training that can be effective in improving your running speed and endurance.

Fartlek running involves varying your pace throughout your run, alternating between fast segments and slow jogs. The Benefits of Fartlek Training are Improve speed and endurance.

Fartlek training does not require a track and can be done on all types of terrain, such as roads, trails, or hills and can even be used to apply more specific conditioning for a specific event or activity.

Fartlek training puts a little extra stress on your system, eventually leading to faster speeds and improving your anaerobic threshold but without the same intensity as Interval Training.

Sample Fartlek Training Session:

  • 10 minutes warm up at an easy pace
  • 1 minute on (fast pace), 2 minutes off (easy), 2 minutes on, 1 minute off
  • Repeat the set for 3 to 4 times
  • 10 minutes cool down at an easy pace
  • Distance can also be used instead of time