Breathing Pattern Assessment

Breathing Pattern Assessment I

Performing the Test

1. Have the client stand in the natural posture. Standing beside the client place one hand on the stomach and the other hand directly behind on the back.

2. Have the client breath naturally while you take note of their breathing pattern. Watch to see if the client’s stomach expands as they inhale or exhales.

3. Now have the client take a deep breath, again watching for their pattern of breathing.

Breathing Pattern Assessment II

Performing the Test

1. Lying prone on examination table with the head in the hole, avoiding cervical rotation.

2. From the side observe the spinal breathing wave as deep breathing is performed.

3. Areas of restriction, lack of movement or where the motion is not in sequence should be noted and compared with findings from the C-Curve Observation Test.

Chest Expansion Test

The chest expansion is measured from maximal exhalation to maximal inspiration and test for mobility in the rib cage. Immobility often seen in early stages of Acklospisis.

Performing the Test

The tape measure is placed at the level of the xiphisternum and measurement is taken on expiration of breath. Then have the client take a large breath in taking a second measurement. 1.5 to 2.5 inches between measurements.